VIM Mastery Introduction

I design VIM Mastery with one objective in mind – to recite and recall VIM features in precise and efficient manner.

My goal is to review VIM features in seconds. Refreshing my memory is the priority. This is neither a tutorial nor a cheatsheet on how to use VIM. I am sure you can find many in public domain.

This is how I review VIM features.

  1. Select an item in left sidebar. Each item documents many scenario to represent a real situation I want to achieve in VIM.
  2. I read each scenario from top page to bottom. Then answer each by recalling exact steps to take in VIM in you mind.

When I began learning VIM, an obvious question came up in my mind.

Why should I spend time to navigate the VIM way?  I can use mouse, arrow keys or keypad to achieve the same result.

Until I attained some level of familiarity, I didn’t realize these subtle benefits.

  • I manipulate text faster with fewer keystrokes.
  • I realize moving my hand between keyboard and mouse is a waste of time.
  • I rarely move your hand using ten finger typing.
  • Advance VIM features, such as macros, demand higher level of precision to achieve text manipulation.

Let’s begin…